Indiana Jones - Książki

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Wiele książek o Indym napisanych zostało w języku angielskim. Dla tych, którzy nie władają dość dobrze tym językiem, wydaje się też książki po polsku.

Jakiś czas temu udało mi się kupić cztery spolszczone komiksy "Indiana Jones. Zagadka Atlantydy". Wydało je wydawnictwo DELTA. Oparte są na pomyśle na czwartą część serii o Indiana Jones 'ie. Według koncepcji, w czwartej części Indy miałby rozwiązywać zagadkę Atlantydy. Jednak Harrison Ford był niechętny graniu w czwartej części IJ. Nadal jednak jest możliwe, że oczekiwana część przygód dzielnego archeologa zostanie nakręcona. Być może akcja będzie działa się po II wojnie światowej, gdyż Harrison Ford wygląda dzisiaj znacznie starzej niż wtedy, kiedy kręcono pierwsze trzy części Indiany Jonesa.

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[Aby wejść na angielskojęzyczną wersję tej strony kliknij tutaj]

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Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth
by Max McCoy

A violent storm, a dying Artic explorer, and a curious wooden box make Indy the target of fanatical Nazi agents. Inside the box are a slice of Icelandic stone with mythological powers and a journal hinting at the existence of an underground civilization near the top of the world. Indy and Ulla Tornaes, a beautiful Danish scientist, set out into the artic wastes, racing against Nazi explorers, to search for the lost city. Their quest will lead them to a massive cavern beneath the snow, portal to the legendary Ultima Thule-the key to Hitler's mad plan for world domination.

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Bantam Books; ISBN: 0553561952 ;
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Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone
by Max McCoy

For centuries the lust for wealth and immortality has driven men mad. Now Indiana Jones is called to London to recover an ancient alchemist's manuscript rumored to contain the formula both for turning lead into gold and granting its owner eternal life. Certain that a missing British alchemist and an insane Renaissance scholar are involved in the theft, Indy - along with the alchemist's beautiful sister - travels to Rome, and straight into the hands of Mussolini's fascists. The mad scholar Sarducci has stolen the Voynich Manuscript, all right. But that's only half the story. The manuscript is really a map, leading into the desert and the most ancient and magnificent crypt in the world, where Indiana Jones will either witness an astounding miracle of alchemy - or become the tomb's next inhabitant.

Mass Market Paperback (May 1995)
Bantam Books; ISBN: 0553561960 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.69 x 6.89 x 4.20
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Indiana Jones and the Interior World
by Rob MacGregor
Mass Market Paperback (December 1992)
Bantam Books; ISBN: 0553299662 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.76 x 6.90 x 4.18
Order Indiana Jones and the Interior World Today!

Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs
by Max McCoy
Mass Market Paperback (March 1996)
Bantam Books; ISBN: 0553561936 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.65 x 6.81 x 4.20
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Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy
by Rob MacGregor

Lost in the labyrinth of a Paleolithic cavern complex, Indy Jones encounters references to a mythological beast that may have existed twenty thousand years ago--and five years later Dr. Jones confronts the legend again, and the woman who is hoping to find the fabled unicorn's horn. But so is someone else from Indy's past, a man who will stop at nothing to obtain the ancient relic. Some say the unicorn's horn came from an animal made extinct by the Great Flood. Others say the horn is an effective antidote to poison and a mystical relic. Indy discovers that the horn's power is less than benevolent, and the same could be said about the intentions of a certain beautiful art historian.

Paperback (September 1992)
Bantam Books; ISBN: 0553296663 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.84 x 6.86 x 4.20
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Indiana Jones and the White Witch
by Martin Caidin
Paperback (April 1994)
Bantam Books; ISBN: 0553561944 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.94 x 6.86 x 4.19
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